Provide students at all skill levels with engaging readings with this collection of leveled texts. The included comprehension questions are also leveled for a variety of readers, so its easy to get kids involved in classroom discussions and assignments. Provides differentiated reading material at a variety of levels to accommodate students needs. Every text includes versions for low-, on- and above-level readers, as well as for English language learners, to ensure that each child can work at his or her own pace. Readings in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies provide engaging content. 5 texts in each subject area help stimulate young minds and reflect important classroom topics. Leveled comprehension questions offer an appropriate challenge for a variety of students. Attention-getting images, illustrations and diagrams promote greater comprehension and keep readers interested. Meets Common Core standards for McREL, as well as TESOL/WIDA standards. Ideal for students in kindergarten.