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The Subscription Economy's Seismic Shift in B2B Sales: Unlocking Customer Lifetime Value

The Subscription Economy's Seismic Shift in B2B Sales: Unlocking Customer Lifetime Value

Jul 22nd 2024

The subscription economy, once the domain of consumer services like Netflix and Spotify, has infiltrated the B2B landscape with surprising force. This tectonic shift towards subscription-based models is not just a pricing change; it's a fundamental reimagining of how B2B companies sell, engage with customers, and ultimately, drive growth.From Transactions to RelationshipsIn the traditional B2B sales model, success was measured by closing individual deals. The focus was on convincing custome …
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Getting More Out Of Every Deal: Unpacking Stuart Diamond’s Negotiation Power Plays

Getting More Out Of Every Deal: Unpacking Stuart Diamond’s Negotiation Power Plays

Jul 17th 2024

In the high-stakes arena of B2B negotiations, traditional wisdom often emphasizes power, leverage, and logic. Yet, Dr. Stuart Diamond, author of the acclaimed book “Getting More,” challenges this conventional thinking. He proposes a revolutionary approach that centers on understanding emotions, perceptions, and collaboration, ultimately yielding significantly more value than traditional methods.Diamond’s Key Negotiation Principles, In-Depth:1.Emotional Intelligence Over LogicWhile logic plays a …
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The Rise Of Micro-Influencers: Redefining B2B Sales Influence

The Rise Of Micro-Influencers: Redefining B2B Sales Influence

Jul 6th 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B sales, a quiet yet profound revolution is underway. As traditional sales tactics face increasing scrutiny and diminishing returns, a new breed of influencers is emerging to reshape the way businesses connect with their target audiences and drive purchasing decisions. These are the micro-influencers: niche experts, thought leaders, and industry insiders whose influence may not span millions, but whose impact within their specialized communities is undeniable. …
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