  1. Product Selection
  2. Price
  3. Short on Time?
  4. Service
  5. Ease of Use
  6. Peace of Mind
  7. Convenience


  1. Product Selection

    With an ever-growing catalog of over 1 million items, we are sure to have exactly what you're looking for. If you can't find it or have trouble navigating our catalog, please don't hesitate to Contact Us for assistance.

  2. Price

    Our prices are some of the most competitive in the market. If you find better pricing elsewhere, please Contact Us and we will do our best to match or beat it!  We also offer bulk and contract pricing.

  3. Short on Time?

    Why take time out of your busy day to drive all the way to the "Big Box" store just to stand in line? Let us deliver to you! All orders placed online are typically delivered in 3-4 business days.

  4. Service

    Our service is exceptional. Emails are replied to within hours, not days. Let us help you with hard to find products, we accept the challenge.

  5. Ease of Use

    At IDM Products, we leverage the most efficient technology in the industry. Our powerful search engine helps you easily find exactly what you're looking for. You can also create customized lists for items you order regularly to help save time during the ordering process.

  6. Peace of Mind

    Is your company on a strict budget and need to monitor purchase orders within your multiple locations? No problem! With our advanced purchasing system, you can automatically set control limits based on quantity, volume, or frequency. Additionally, you have the option to review and provide approvals prior to shipment.

  7. Convenience

    We understand that you have many other priorities besides ordering products. That's where we can help! You can order online 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year at www.idproducts.com. We're always open for business.